The Scuderia finished up the 2009 Midwestern track season with a three-day home stand at the friendly confines of Road America in lovely Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin. The Badger Bimmers Fall event is know to attract drivers from around the region and from across the country to this extremely friendly and well-run HPDE. While this event is traditionally held in September, schedule fallout from the SCCA run-offs, as well as a planned BMWCCA national Octoberfest planned for 2010 contributed to a shift in dates to the second weekend in October.
Historically this weekend treats us to temps in the mid 60's to low 70's with lots of Autumn sun. This wasn't the case this year with hotel parking lot temps ranging between 32 and 28 degrees welcoming us to the Dairy State, and variable snow showers testing the fortitude of the drivers, corner workers, and safety crews throughout the day on Saturday.
One thing that makes this weekend worth the trip (aside from a great breakfast at The All-Season Restaurant with the corner workers) is the wide range of metal that shows up for this event. This year there were some of the usual suspects (for this event) Ferrari 333sp, a handful of race prepared Corvettes, a Porsche Cup Car, multiple Porsche Turbos, and Prepared M3's, but this year they were joined by a Radical SR3, Viper ACR and Porsche GT-2 (in black/orange RS colors )
The weekend ended with a minimum of incidents, given the prevailing weather conditions, with all of the Scuderia able to drive off and/or able to mount a trailer on their own power. Looking forward to seeing you at Road America in 2010. Maybe you too can get some experience with the snow-line, or find out what slicks are like in the snow at 140mph, its worth the trip.